Is Money the Root of all Evil?

london tower

Venue: The Bowler Hat

Featured Artists:

Claire Foster-Gilbert 

Julian Baggini

Brendan O’Neill

Giles Fraser

Rania Hafez

The Justice, Money, Power series of lectures, debates, and interviews focusses on the financial, political, and ethical implications of life in the Square Mile, curated by cultural commentator Dr. Tiffany Jenkins.

Today, we live in a world dominated by money. ‘For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil,’ So said Paul, the Apostle. Today, we live in a world dominated by money. Greed, equality, and a lack of morals have been blamed for the banking crisis. Would the world be a better place and we better people, if we didn’t love money so much?

This debate, Chaired by Rania Hafez, features Claire Foster-Gilbert (Director, Westminster Abbey Institute), Julian Baggini (Philosopher), Giles Fraser (parish priest at St Mary’s, Newington) and Brendan O’Neill (Editor, Spiked-online), who will lead a lively audience on the topic “Is money the root of all evil?”

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